Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personality Process and Individual Difference

Question: Discuss about the Personality Process and Individual Difference. Answer: Introduction The personality and personal values of a person plays an important role in the type of job that they are supposed to join. The organizations therefore need to judge the prospective employees based on their personalities and the alignment with the goals. The organization that is taken into consideration is McDonalds Restaurants of Canada, Limited. This is an organization that operates in the fast food industry of Canada and the master franchise in the Canadian food industry (Anusic Schimmack, 2016). The company is owned by the parent of McDonalds which is McDonalds Corporation. McDonalds is considered to be one of the largest food restaurant chain in Canada which sells food products like, chicken, hamburgers, soft drinks and French fries. The job position for which the recruitment is being done is restaurant Service Operations Manager of all the major outlets in Canada. The personality traits will be analysed based on the alignment with the job position (, 2018). Important personality traits for Service Operations Manager The five factor model is related to the Big Five personality traits which is a model related to the ways of describing personality of an individual. The five factor model is based on the survey of the personality of any individual and the aspects that are used to describe the various traits. The five major factors of the model are openness to some experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion and neuroticism (Barnett et al., 2015). Openness to experience The first major factor is the openness to experience which is related to the ability of the individual or his quality to be open towards any type of experience. The degree of openness is related to the level of the intellectual curiosity of that person. The person normally does not prefer any strict routine and is more attracted towards many types of activities. The high openness of these individuals can sometimes be detected as the unpredictability and the lack of focus (Fischer Boer, 2015). Conscientiousness The tendency of the individual to be dependable and organized is related to the second factor of the model. This quality shows high levels of discipline and aiming for achievement as well. The high levels of this quality of an individual can also be taken as obsession and stubbornness. Low levels of conscientiousness is related to spontaneity and the flexibility. Extraversion The third factor of this model is based on the high levels of energy, emotions, assertiveness and sociability. This trait is sometimes treated as domineering and attention-seeking as well. Low levels of this trait can be perceived as reserved and self-absorbed (Judge Zapata, 2015). Agreeableness The tendency of an individual to be cooperative and compassionate and not suspicious is related to the fourth factor of this model. The nature of this type of individual is considered to be helpful and trusting and the temper levels of the person also plays an important role in this factor. The high level of agreeableness is related to submissive or naive personality of an individual. Low level of this quality in an individual makes the person challenging or competitive in nature. Neuroticism The fifth factor of the model is related to the traits of an individual which relates to his or her tendency to experience spiteful emotions like anger, depression, anxiety and vulnerability. The level of the emotional stability of the individual is an important part of the five factor model. The high requirement of stability is related to a calm and stable personality and on the other hand the low requirement is related to an excitable and reactive personality (Leutner et al., 2014). I, as the HR manager of McDonalds Canada have analysed the five personality traits with respect to the job position that has been offered. The job position for which the recruitment process is conducted is Service Operations Manager. All the five personality traits are important for the job position for which my organization is conducting recruitment functions. The person who will join in the post needs to be open to a variety of experiences and they also need to creative by nature. The candidate needs to be imaginative so that he or she can take the organization forward and run the operations in a fruitful manner. Conscientiousness is another major trait for the candidate as they need to be organized and ambitious so that they can achieve their goals and the goals of the organization. The candidate should also be energetic and full of emotions so that they can work in a proactive manner to fulfil their objectives. The level of agreeableness should also be high within the individuals so that they can cooperate with the employees of the different branches of the fast food chain. Emotional stability is also an important personality trait for the individual so that he or she can take practical decisions. Comparison of personality and personal values The personality of an individual is different from the personal values in many ways. Personality mainly defines the ways by which a person feels and thinks and values are related to the belief of what is right and what is wrong. Values of a person affect the personality of that individual up to high levels. The interaction of personality and values is done in an interactive manner and there is a correlation between the five personality traits and the values of a person. The achievement of goals is influenced by the personality and the values of an individual (Mitsopoulou Giovazolias, 2015). Identification of value categories related to Schwartzs value circumplex The Schwartzs value circumplex consists of ten types of values including, benevolence, universalism, self-direction, security, conformity, hedonism, achievement, tradition, stimulation and power. The values that are closely related to the personality traits that have been identified previously are, universalism which is related to the levels of tolerance of the individual and protecting the interests of the employees. Self-direction is important for the personality traits as the individual has the capability to choose their own goals and become independent as well (Mttus et al., 2017). The value of conformity is also essential for the individuals which is related to the actions that are taken to harm any other individual and violate the norms or the expectations. The value of achievement is important for the individuals with the five personality traits so that they can demonstrate their competence levels. References Anusic, I., Schimmack, U. (2016). Personality Processes and Individual Differences: Stability and change of personality traits, self-esteem, and well-being: Introducing the meta-analytic stability and change model of retest correlations.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,110(5), 766-781. Barnett, T., Pearson, A. W., Pearson, R., Kellermanns, F. W. (2015). Five-factor model personality traits as predictors of perceived and actual usage of technology.European Journal of Information Systems,24(4), 374-390. Fischer, R., Boer, D. (2015). Motivational Basis of Personality Traits: A Meta?Analysis of Value?Personality Correlations.Journal of personality,83(5), 491-510. Judge, T. A., Zapata, C. P. (2015). The personsituation debate revisited: Effect of situation strength and trait activation on the validity of the Big Five personality traits in predicting job performance.Academy of Management Journal,58(4), 1149-1179. 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