Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Social Psychology - Aggression and Peoples Attitudes Free Essay Example, 1000 words

Opposite of statements like I am suspicious of overly friendly strangers and when people are especially nice, I wonder what they want are minimal scores as well, indicating that I generally do not have issues in terms of trusting other people. How does other people s attitude toward aggression compare to your own attitude toward aggression? Some of my family members who also took the test have a quite common answer regarding the four components of the aggression questionnaire. Although answers were not at all similar, then I can see that our answers are in many areas the same. Examining the results of their physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility indicate that similar to my attitude towards aggression, they too, are generally passive and view aggression as not the only way to resolve a conflict. Overall, their answers to the aggression questionnaire suggest that they have a minimal level of aggression. Results of my aggression test, as well as that of my family member s, suggest that my family and I have almost similar views on aggression. It indicates that much as possible, we tend to resolve conflicts without involving strong approach towards other people. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Psychology - Aggression and Peoples Attitudes or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page I found a study by Kohlberg and Tunel (1971) that would best describe this commonality of results of the aggression test taken by me and a few of my family members. Results of the study on moral development conducted to adolescents and their families in the early 1960s indicate that there are many factors to which the moral development of a person is shaped.

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